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Craftivism in English

Craftivism in English

Cultural activism

Our cultural activities at KSL Study Centre  are based on cultural activism: This means culture that involves social commentary and gives everyone an opportunity to participate. Cultural activism provides new perspectives and creative ways for influencing and citizen activism through different workshops, events and projects.

Cultural activism encourages taking the role of an active citizen. The activity is communal in nature and participation is easy.


Craftivism is a form of cultural activism in which you can express your opinions and values through crafts. Through handicraft, everyone can deal with their own emotions and thoughts, and make a statement on issues that seem personally important.


Craftivism! booklet

Craftivists from Finland write about what made them choose craftivism and what kinds of opportunities craftivism provides for social commentary and citizen activism. The booklet includes low-threshold craftivism guides and tips from activists.

Download or order Craftivism! for free
Neljän ihmisen kädet tekevät pöydän ääressä käsityötä huopapalalle kirjoen. Pöydällä on valmiita töitä, esimerkiksi kirjottu auringonkukka. Pöydällä on myös Käsityöaktivismi! -julkaisu.

Craftivism kits

A footprint for the better world – Stitch your thoughts towards a world where we respect peace, nature, animals and human beings.

Order craftivism kits for free