Natalie Ahonen, Kaarina Heiskanen, Emilia Hytönen, Vilja Joensuu, Aura Kajaniemi, Sari Kemppinen, Siiri Korhonen, Anja Korkiakangas, Saara Kumpulainen, Heidi Linsén, Merja Riitaoja, Satu Tanninen, Roosa Saukkonen, Riitta Skytt, Talvikki Talvitie, Leena Vainio, Tarja Wallius

In recent years, more and more people have found craft as a means of making a difference and taking a stand. Craft as a form of self-expression changes shape all the time and craftists take a stand with constantly new techniques and on new topics. Craftivism exhibition was compiled through an anonymous call. There were 72 applicants from all around Finland.

The strain imposed on humans and on the environment emerge side by side in the works of Craftivism exhibition

Mental health topics, the state of the environment and the perspectives on equality issues were emphasised on the works that were proposed for the exhibition. Dealing with personal experiences was seen as a civic action in which bringing one’s own experience to the surface is an act of taking a stand.

The works at the Craftivism exhibition include many different crafting techniques, and combine tradition and new experimentations. Crafting techniques are time-consuming, and the message of a work that is taking a stand deepens when the viewer stops to study the technique and the time spent on it. The whole that is created by the materials together with the crafting technique and the message that takes a stand, emerges as the richness of the exhibition.

In the exhibition, the craftists will tell the audience about their own relationship to craftivism and pose questions about the nature of craftivism. What is craftivism? What does it mean for a craftivist and what kind of opportunities craftivism opens up for exploring the topics that are important to oneself? The discussion on craftivism inspires also the discussion on activism. What is activism or what is the relationship between craftivism and art?

The works of 17 craftists were chosen for the exhibition. These works were considered to be daring and experimental as well as works that took a stand. The exhibition was juried by the designer and the Development Manager of Taito Organisation Finland, Kikka Jelisejeff, the craftivist and artist, Linnea Saarits and the Cultural Producer and the Art Educator of the KSL Study Centre, Riina Näsi.

We invite the viewers to explore the expressive power of craftivism!

Content warning for the exhibition: the topics of this exhibition include, among others, mental health issues, war, and the ill-treatment and abuse of women and children.


  • CraftCorner, Taito Galleria, Helsinki 10.11.- 31.12.2022
    • Eteläesplanadi 4
  • Taide- ja kulttuurikeskus Kalevan navetta, Seinäjoki 13.1.-1.4.2023
    • Nyykoolinkatu 25
  • Suomen käsityön museo, Näytönpaikka, Jyväskylä 3.5.-25.6.202380
    • Kilpisenkatu 12

Additional information on the exhibition

  • Kikka Jelisejeff, 040 752 3662,
  • Riina Näsi, 040 7788180,
  • Linnea Saarits,

Craftist interview requests

  • Riina Näsi, 040 7788180,

Read more about craftivism at KSL Study Center

You’ll find more information about our activities on page Craftivism in English.